Sunday, May 5, 2019

How does Machiavelli reflect the values and idea of humanism and Research Paper

How does Machiavelli reflect the values and supposition of humanism and religion in The Prince - Research Paper ExampleThe Powerful Chairs (Kings, politicians, top bureaucrats etc) are forever and a day there to outsmart the Chair--less Powers. (The common people) Machiavelli did advise the princes on how to hold on to power but he also advised the citizens seeking to maintain their liberty and how to go about it. He showed a sunrise(prenominal) path for them and cautioned how his native Florence was getting engulfed in tyranny. He explained how ancient Rome preserved its freedom better, as the ordinary citizens there were more responsible and were able to checkmate the power of the elite. As a articulate employee Machiavelli led by example. His public life was spotless and free from corrupt practices. He was investigated for embezzlement and he came out with a clean slate and he was reimbursed the amount that was due to him. He would often say about him, my poverty is evidence of my honesty. Machiavelli articulated for a free city, where the citizens lived freely without any restrictions, without macrocosm absolutely controlled by a particular individual or group. A tyrant who emerges from within the political system is as dangerous for the country like the external invader. In the absence of constant lookout by the citizen body as a whole, and without their being organized properly, tyrannical individuals are bound to cod over the reins of power. In essence, this proves the humanism in the approach of Machiavelli to the societal issues of his era. What a destructive weapon rotting is from the societal point of view, how adversely it affects the free-lifeunderstand the advice of Machiavelli. In such a corrupt system, public please is sacrificed at the altar of private or factional interests. Arbitrary interference does the maximum damage to the mass of people, fit in to him. The overshadowrs must consider themselves to be the servants of public int erest, not masters. Machiavelli is prophetic when he asserts that the resources of the elite combined with abundant discretion enjoyed by political office holders is the principal threat to the society and the nation. The expectations of the ordinary citizens are simplistic and straightforward. They are neither like power-hungry politicians nor like the ambitious elites. They have no require for power to rule over others. At the same time, they have self-respect and essential dignity and do not desire to be dominated and would not like the arbitrary power to subjugate them. They are perpetually shocking of such societal developments. The sterling qualities of Machiavellis humanism are revealed in his opinion that the key to the resilience of Rome was its system and institutionshow they ensured the participation of ordinary citizens. They were the final guardians of freedom, not the grandi. He paid hearty regard for the tribunes of the plebs (an institution of only the lower cla ss) for exercising check and control over the power-grabbing craze of the grandi. Machiavelli goes a pure tone further. The tribunes are vested with powers to frame charges against the members of the senate and indict them for corruption publicly and the private citizens will be punished whence if they try to exert pressure on the politics of the republic. That was a model system of punishment where

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